Friday, April 06, 2007

Fine as frog hair? Well, not all that fine :) but yesterday's appointment finally came to pass. My insistence and spouse's made sure I got sufficient sedation and the boa constricture was deconstricted. (Okay now I'm just making up words ;) The surgeon assured me (via spouse, since I was pleasantly loopy) that all is now well, but he'll be checking it again and making any necessary adjustment immediately before my reversal surgery, all in one swell foop, and most importantly while I am deeply unconscious through the magic of anesthesia.

Mom and Dad are planning to hit the road on the 21st, choosing to drive instead of fly, just because they like road trips. They should arrive here early on the 23rd. Then, they'll cart me to Albuquerque, find a hotel, and take a test run to the hospital so Dad knows the way. Thus I'll be able to report to the hospital at 9am on the 24th and get on with this last surgical step.

Great to have my folks with me again. They're excellent caretakers, as well as good company. They plan to stay while I'm in the hospital, which should only be a few days, and bring me back home then stick around to baby me until I'm all recovered and grooving again. Of course their involvement is also priceless because it allows spouse to keep his work schedule, and our income flowing.

That's the game plan. Two weeks to kill in the interim. Might be a good time to make initial contact with the new cancer center in LC so I can start the adjuvant chemo as soon as I'm able, post surgery.

OH! I also had my request for pain killers fulfilled (technically filled :) since I knew from the last event that I'd need them. Modern chemistry is very much appreciated. You betcha. Gotta love hydrocodone.

PS - I googled 'hydrocodone' and the following showed up as first result...
Hydrocodone - Consumer alert! Drugs From Rouge Internet Pharmacies are Illegal.
... What about mascara internet pharmacies? or maybe.. Oooo concealer internet pharmacies, now that sounds clever...

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