Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Painting, although Ghost is doing the bulk of it. Shopping for a realtor to sell this house. Trying to get someone to at least give me an estimate for fixing the basement water problem. Shopping for a moving company. Stepping around and over boxes I'm packing myself. There's not a flat spot in the house that doesn't have stuff on it as I try to deal with all the remaining tasks, or unpacked odd & ends. Things that go with nothing else, go with each other?

Closing on the new house is still scheduled for May 25th. The move will be around June 1. I will be blissfully comatose for a few days shortly thereafter? hehe

June should be good for me. Mercury will have straightened up (May 18th, well before we have to sign house papers, which is a damned good thing 'cause a Merc retrograde can mess with that sort of stuff.) As of June 6th, Mercury will be in its home sign, my sign, Gemini, along with the Sun. That's all good. Everything should flow more smoothly, but then there's bound to be an easy period following this hectic mania.

I'm counting on it.

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