Thursday, April 20, 2006

Great trip home for Easter. Always good to go home. Got to be there for nearly a week. Got to see all the nieces and nephews and spent a lot of good time with my parents, whom you may know are also such good friends and terrific company for me. Definite refilling of the well.

House in AR is on the market now and we're looking at building in NM. Having a little trouble getting that ball rolling, but once it's started we hope it will move along at a reasonable pace.

It's damned good to have spouse employed and to have the associated income. Now all we gotta do is get us both in the same living quarters again. phhht I'm also looking forward to making use of healthcare as soon as I get there.

My life sure is interesting.

PS - Gotta pal in Iraq now. He's doing fine, getting accustomed to the heat. Should be safe where he is, considering his duties there, but he'll still be on my mind. He's rather excited about the new experiences and challenges he'll surely have over the next year or so.

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