Thursday, October 05, 2006

Completing my 2nd week of rads and on my 2nd round of chemo. That's two down and only four to go ;) So far, so good. As yet I'm experiencing no more discomforts than I had before we started the cure. TMI: I'm able to go better, ie, no longer requiring chemicals etc for the most part. So, there's some evidence of progress. Every little bit helps.

I have a growing collection of cards, letters, email and messages from well-wishers. Also very helpful. More than nice to have a posse of positive support ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dayam Di, Knew something was wrong but didn't know the extent. I know you'll beat this because you are strong. Heck you're stronger than me I'm sure. Add my good thoughts, wishes, vibes, and prayers to your list of well wishers.