Sunday, October 31, 2004

All Hallow's Eve approacheth and thus all the scawy movies come out of the dusty closets. Such holidays make every program manager's job easier for a week or so. I skip a lot of it. For me, there's too much unnecessary roughness. I like the psycho-thrillers and mysteries that make me think. They've done well if a shadow or sound makes me flinch, or my eyebrow quirks while I try to decipher what just happened and how. Flying body parts and blood are not intriguing or scary, just gross. A good horror movie will electrify my nerve endings, synaptic or otherwise, not trigger a gag reflex.

I saw a good movie tonight which I didn't expect to be all that much -- Gothika. I figured it was another venue for cashing in on Halle Berry and for Robert Downey Jr to pay off some legal and rehab fees. I was wrong. It was well done, good story, actually had some suspense in it with a reasonable dose of supernatural intrigue. As an observer, I was a step ahead of the plot, but not unduly so. Of course, about halfway through, I was thinking, "Why don't you stop screaming or running and just ask the dead girl's spirit what she wants?" But then, I guess that wouldn't make for good drama.

I believe in ghosts, in spirit communication, in hauntings even. However, I think anything 'bad' that comes from the spirit realm is just a misunderstanding. Frustration occurs on this side of the veil, and that side too. If you are trying to get someone's attention but they aren't listening, what steps do you have to take to be heard? Same thing over there, or more accurately, over here :) for I believe it's all the same place, but the 'living' only focus on a narrow band of the whole range of energy broadcasting at all times.

Think about it. Infinite radio signals are in the air, all the time, but you have to tune into a certain frequency to hear the music on a particular station. Well, we live on one frequency, but that doesn't mean it's the only one. They all run concurrently. It's our focus, our tuning, that makes it seem like this is all there is. It isn't.

One of the best films to demonstrate this, I think, was Sixth Sense. Yeah, for most people it's just fiction, I guess. But for me, it's a really good view of how it seems to work. I won't go into details of the movie in case someone reading this hasn't seen it. But I will say that it was a pleasant surprise for some moviemakers to 'get it', to show they understood about concurrent frequencies and that sometimes they touch, more easily that we tend to think.

Not sure why this time of year is deemed to be the time when the veil is thinnest, when the frequencies are more likely to cross. Maybe there's a moment every year where the whole broadcasting system gets resynchronized, or re-harmonized. I dunno. I do know that because it's become a benchmark, I take extra time to send out my own message across the wires, to thank my ancestors without whom I would not be, to thank all spirits who have been and are still experiencing this realm.

I add that if I can be of service, I am willing. No need to cause a ruckus. Just ask. I'll answer. :) Blessed be.

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