Monday, January 15, 2007

Sorry, another quick note. I swear I will catch up with myself eventually. (heh)

I am in NM, in MY NEW HOME with MY husband. My nurse angel from NWA drove us here in my loaded up car. Took us two days and the gawdawful weather freezing the midwest was on our asses but we did stay ahead of it the whole way. We came through some inclement stuff but nothing hazardous and arrived in LC/NM to sunny skies and 60°. Verra niiice.

Alas, Le Angel's flight was cancelled due to DFW being closed and she can't get back home til Tues. Sooooo.... today I am taking her touristing to the old mexican village section of the area.

Thus, I am out again, but I promise to return.

Oh... and all my computers are in boxes on a UPS truck, shipped from Ky. So... that's gonna have me outta all the loops for a few more days too. (Doing this bit on spouse's moochine)

I WILL see y'all... um... okay, too late for 'soon', but... won't be as long as it has been. *smile*


Ernie said...

I'm so glad that you're getting settled, finally. I hope your holidays and new year were great. Do me a favor and give that angel of yours a big hug from someone she doesn't know. Just assure her that I give better hugs than you and that she'd really enjoy herself, if it had been me.

Emerald said...

Since I hadn't heard from you I figured you were doing big things! Welcome Home Diya! Oh I will bet Rex is so happy to have you near. What a long strange trip it's been, eh? Well not too much longer! You're already home, now we're working on whole and healthy. Love you! Love your angel too. ~Em