Saturday, January 01, 2005

Best wishes for the New Year to one and all. I didn't make any New Year's resolutions this year. I rarely do. I learned long ago that I don't stick to them very well. The only one I recall being serious about was the one I made when I was 30 yrs old. I vowed not to get married at 30. I was aware that a lot of people go through a life evaluation around 30 yrs old and they sometimes make dumb decisions based on someone else's goals or benchmarks. I was aware that 30 was kind of an old maid deadline. I preferred to stay single than to give in to such nonsense. Damned if I was going to let that sort of pressure get me stuck in a marriage that might or might not be right for me.

I hated being 30. It was like a bad joke. No one is really 30. They're pretending to be 29 or they're something else, but not precisely 30. I was glad to turn 31. At that point, it was like the pressure was off. Anyone who thought I should be whatever by 30 had given up? ;) I however felt like I'd managed to dodge all the bullets and got on with my life!

No idea what got me into that tangent, but such is the way with quicksilver. *grin* You never know where it's gonna flow...

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