Searching guide on tv for something to watch. Found suitable program scheduled to begin at 6pm. Hmm... How long til then? Looked at clock. 5:55
555 from same interp set says: Buckle your seat belts, because a major life change is upon you. This change should not be viewed as being "positive" or "negative", since all change is but a natural part of life's flow. Perhaps this change is an answer to your prayers, so continue seeing and feeling yourself being at peace.
Riiight. Fasten your seatbelt, but be at peace.
O. K.
I think I've had about all the major life changes I can handle. I'm just trying to get back on track now.
Today was good and bad... or bad then good. After discussions between me and LC radiology staff, between them and Alb surgeon and staff, etc... we sorted out what the complete order for the procedure -should- have specified. I stood my ground. I was insistent. I wasn't going to allow anything until all was clear.
So... this morning turned out to be a clarification visit. I will return early Thursday AM at which time I'm supposed to be treated as I want, and the radiologist is supposed to get the pictures as the surgeon needs them.
Not exactly how I thought my intentions should have manifested, but I guess it could ultimately work out to the same thing. I'm glad they could get me rescheduled so soon. I'm a little concerned about the execution of the above since it will now occur on March 8th, the day Mercury stops and redirects. Hmmm. That's your birthday, Ghost. Care to donate a wish?
You are The Magician Skill, wisdom, adaptation. Craft, cunning, depending on dignity. |
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