Sunday, March 25, 2007

     More flowers for my virtual garden. Daylilies are my favorite kind of flower, not just the orange, but their wide variety of colors. As I told Joyous, I think I began to love them because of the tiger lily patch in my grandmother's yard when I was a kid. The tiger lily's orange was only slightly brighter than my hair, and they were freckled, like me. I felt pretty strange about my appearance when I was young. I fit in perfectly with my family but not so much with the rest of the world. I guess the tiger lilies made it seem alright to be orange and freckled.
     Day Lilies often grow wild, volunteering to grace otherwise empty spaces in the landscape. I like that. They're a nice surprise. I also like cala lilies. Their single petal in a delicate curl demonstrates the pure elegance of simplicity.

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