Houston, we're back online!
Computers shipped from Ky arrived yesterday and I got my desktop all hooked up today, so me mIRC bot is back and so am I :)
Healthwise, I'm still easily tuckered out, but otherwise good. My surgeon is very pleased with my progress and his work. I am very pleased with his work too. He gave me leave to travel to NM and is forwarding me to his buddy in Alburquerque for stoma reversal in early March. I am naturally looking forward to that. It'll be much more minor surgery and only a few days in hospital to recover. Mom & Dad will be coming in for that too so the spouse won't have to miss work (and income for us!).
I have a houseful of boxes to unpack and some furniture in the wrong places, but I'm handling that all very slowly and carefully. I'm not supposed to lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk (approx 5lbs) so I'm very limited! That sucks, but I am willing myself to behave. Don't want to upset my progress by being stupid or stubborn. Just doing a few boxes a day and carrying a few items at a time.
I have to constantly remind myself that only a little over a month ago I had major surgery. The surgeon explained it on a 1 to 10 scale. He described a 10 (which was lost on me ;) and said what I had was 8 1/2 to 9. He has stressed AND stressed that what he did was MAJOR and I had to watch it. Okay okay okay... I get it... I just gotta remember it in everything I do!
Um... OH, and the house. It is just as I imagined it, or better. I'd seen the floor plans and made the model and all. I had a very good 3D image in my head. It was still very exciting to drive up to my house and walk inside as the imagined 3D image became reality ;) I am pleased, very very please. Best part of course is that spouse is here too. That makes it home.
Enough for now. Gotta million changes to make, IRL and in my online connections. Dang but hasn't this been a long strange trip. I do not want to repeat 2006. Looking to 2007 for closure and settling in for a new fresh start.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Monday, January 15, 2007
Sorry, another quick note. I swear I will catch up with myself eventually. (heh)
I am in NM, in MY NEW HOME with MY husband. My nurse angel from NWA drove us here in my loaded up car. Took us two days and the gawdawful weather freezing the midwest was on our asses but we did stay ahead of it the whole way. We came through some inclement stuff but nothing hazardous and arrived in LC/NM to sunny skies and 60°. Verra niiice.
Alas, Le Angel's flight was cancelled due to DFW being closed and she can't get back home til Tues. Sooooo.... today I am taking her touristing to the old mexican village section of the area.
Thus, I am out again, but I promise to return.
Oh... and all my computers are in boxes on a UPS truck, shipped from Ky. So... that's gonna have me outta all the loops for a few more days too. (Doing this bit on spouse's moochine)
I WILL see y'all... um... okay, too late for 'soon', but... won't be as long as it has been. *smile*
Posted by Griffen at 10:38 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Lots of details to catch up on, but for now just know that I am doing really well. I'm flying from Ky to AR tomorrow for a Dr appt Thursday AM, then on the road to NM with my local-angel (the LPN in NWA). We're doing a Thelma & Louise road trip (without the trouble and the jump ;) hehehe Good leisurely ride through OK, TX and NM then a left turn at Alburquerque. Should only be 2 days drive, but I promise to make it 3, if I get tired (Mr Bill ;P )
No worries! I'll be in my new home with my spouse FINALLY and eagerly awaiting the reversal of my temp thang THANKFULLY and.... on my way to the second half of my life. Do I know how to have a midlife crisis, or what?? phht
Posted by Griffen at 5:33 AM 0 comments