Okay, so like, the week before Easter when I already had plans to go Home for the holiday, I picked up a new web client. One of my other web clients had referred them to me and that's terrific but their timing of finally contacting me and wanting stuff done right away, even as I was packing to go away for a long weekend... frankly sucked. Sure, I went on my trip, but there was a lot more hustle involved before leaving and a lot of making up after. It just made both activities more hectic and stressful.
So now this week, as I am preparing to go Home for the 4th, guess who wants more stuff, even though I have barely heard from them since I finished the other stuff around Easter.
I like being helpful. I like doing webwork. I like making a little extra cash. I would really like it if the timing could get worked out so I don't get into these stress-tangles. I don't mean to be ungrateful, but... well, whatever. Now I'm whining.... and I should be packing instead of blogging. *dash*
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Monday, June 20, 2005
Selected Funnies...
A man walks into a dentist's office, the dentist asks him "How can I help you?"
The man replies "I think I'm a moth."
"Well, you need to see a psychiatrist, not a dentist."
"I know that" the man replies.
"Then why did you come in here?"
"The light was on."
A man spoke frantically into the phone, "My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only 2 minutes apart!"
The doctor asked, "Is this her first child?"
"No, ya dummy!" the man shouted, "This is her husband."
Q - Why does a chicken coop have two doors?
A - Because if it had four, it would be a chicken sedan.
Two antennae meet on a roof, fall in love and get married. The ceremony wasn't much, but the reception was excellent!
A psychiatrist interviewed three patients to see if they could be released from the hospital. He asked them one easy question, "What is 8 times 5?"
The first patient said, "139". The doctor just shook his head.
He turned to the second patient who replied "Wednesday!". The doctor frowned.
He turned to the third patient who gleefully said, "That's easy, 40!"
While the doctor went to his desk to fill out the third patient's release papers, the first patient whispered to the third, "How did you figure that one out?"
"It was simple" replied the third patient, "I just divided 139 by Wednesday!"
A priest and a pastor from the local churches are standing by the side of the road, pounding a sign into the ground that reads: "The End Is Near! Turn Yourself Around Now--Before It's Too Late!" As a car sped past them, the driver yelled, "Leave us alone, you religious nuts!" From the curve they heard screeching tires and a big splash. The pastor turns to the priest and asks, "Do you think the sign should just say "Bridge Out?"
A couple of hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls 911. He gasps to the operator, "My friend is dead! What can I do?"
The operator, in a calm soothing voice says, "Just take it easy. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead."
There is a silence, then a shot is heard... The hunter says, "OK, now what?"
Posted by Griffen at 9:32 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 19, 2005
No, I didn't win the Powerball, but neither did anyone else. Hmmm... maybe I'll buy a ticket for Wednesday's drawing. ;)
Posted by Griffen at 7:49 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 18, 2005
I really have nothing to post at this time, although I did buy a Powerball ticket for tonight's drawing. Now if I win that, well, there'll be plenty of news. I'll let you know how I plan to spend the estimated $43 million jackpot. For most, if not all of you, a check will be in the mail. *grin*
Posted by Griffen at 10:52 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 09, 2005
2x2x2x2x3=48 Birthday's are funny. We really only have one per lifetime. It's the anniversary of the birth day that we're celebrating or bemoaning. Forty-eight years ago, I officially incarnated, probably for the umpteenth time.
Per Merriam-Webster (M-W.com), being incarnate is to be "invested with bodily and especially human nature and form; made manifest or comprehensible; embodied".
Comprehensible? hehe Perhaps in a preception sense. I can be perceived by other incarnated beings. I like the phrase "made manifest". That suits my belief system. Forty-eight years ago, on a Sunday afternoon, through the labors of my mother, the energy or spirit that is Me, manifested into human form, breathed life independently for the first time. That was my birth day. Everything since then has been me playing around in this lab of experience.
I kinda like it. I think I'll stick around for a good while longer. And when this run is over, I'll see if I want to sign up again. I have the feeling I've signed up innumerable times before. Must be something to it.
Posted by Griffen at 12:43 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
I have often been amazed at the insights I get from Astrology, not only about me but about others. I don't think Astrology tells us what IS or what WILL BE, so much as it points out tendencies and potentials. It could be quite useful information and I take it under advisement.
I subscribe to a freebie daily horoscope from Astrocenter.com. I don't plan my day around it, but it makes for an interesting read, and maybe even a useful perspective on the possibilities.
Today, however, I feel they nailed me. When I set modesty and humility aside, I know this to be true:
"You can capture the hearts of the people around you by surprising them with unexpected anecdotes from your past. Realize that you have the power to make a significant transformation in someone's life - maybe even your own. Don't underestimate your gift of communication. Most people don't have your connections or quick-witted mind. Use these qualities to your advantage by spreading your unique knowledge of the nature of people."
That's what I do. It's who I am. While journeying in my own human experience, I enjoy watching the journeys of others. I see things, in their essense, in their connectedness. And, as a communicative Gemini, I sure love talking or writing about it. But I don't like lectures or preaching, so I very often share anecdotally or metaphorically. If I have a gift, I think it's being able to gently help folks see themselves and each other a little better, in a better light even. I hope I do it ever so light-handedly, mostly by sharing what I've experienced or what I feel I've learned, sometimes even as I myself discover it.
As for transforming people, I've called it many things, but mostly I think of it as finding silver linings, or finding the precious metals in the ore. It's the same sort of thing for which elemental mercury can be used and I don't think it's a coincidence that I am a Gemini, ruled by the quick planet Mercury, and whose element is the fluid metal mercury.
Often it's no more than sharing a different perspective, a different set of possibilities. Sometimes I just shine a light on options that others had not seen. It is often enough to turn around a situation, an attitude, and move it in a more positive direction.
That is my hope anyway, that whatever effect I may have, it is for the benefit of individuals, including me, and ultimately All.
Sappy, yeah. Some may find it hard to believe it's possible to be truly altruistic. I benefit surely enough. It feels good to do good, or even just to try. Sosume.
Posted by Griffen at 12:02 AM 0 comments